
Origins update

in Public News / Allgemeines 24.02.2014 17:09
von M3RLIN • 4 Beiträge | 7 Punkte

??? macht ihr HEUTE noch das update drauf ???

Origins patch Released
You can install it in mods on the GTX Control panel.

This is a massive update, thanks to the devs for working so hard on it over the past months.

New Features include:

Added multiple quests/missions which can be received using the PDA and completed in order to receive a reward. (More missions to be added in next patch too)
Added ability to carry and switch between two primary weapons.
Added PDA Elektronika loot to receive quests.
Added medkit box which adds 6 extra slots to inventory.
Added police vest which reduces the damage received by 35%.
Added military vest which reduces the damage received by 45%.
Added Special Forces vest which reduces the damage received by 55%.
Added kevlar plates for use in vests.
Added steel plates for use in vests.
Added ceramic plates for use in vests.
Uni-Copter reinforcement added.
Approximately 30 new enterable buildings in military bases added.
Added new Czech Mi-171Sh helicopter.
Added RHIB with M2 machinegun.
Ability to kill zombies by running them over by car.

Bug Fixes:

Female bandit skin issues with different colour left arm issue resolved.
Stretching/weird line issues with female ghillie suits resolved. (To be monitored until next patch).
Ability to walk through gym wall in schools issue resolved.
Shoes visible from bottom when walking in elector nests issue resolved.
Ability to walk through gym wall in schools on Sector B issue resolved.
Invisible walls in Sven, Sector B etc… hotel on ground issue resolved.
Various stretching and weird lines appearing on zombies issue resolved. (To be monitored until next patch).
Issue with Level 3 houses, wall/door between house and garage disappearing issue resolved.
Obstructive convoy wrecks in Kryvozhopol moved to the side for easier passing through.
Issues with vehicles not being able to exit the stronghold resolved. (To be monitored until next patch).
Falling out through windows in Level 2 electro nest issue resolved.
Out of place train track segment in forest near Biysk (061, 082) removed.
Items disappearing from house/fortress inventory issue resolved.
Not able to run around boxes in stronghold issue resolved.
Breaking legs when exiting from excavator operator position.
Zombies not being able to walk in to some buildings issues resolved.
Sabina laboratory bots falling through walls/floor issue resolved.
Sabina laboratory bots spinning on one spot issue resolved.
Sabina laboratory not able to shoot trough certain doors issue resolved.
Watch tower blinking black issue resolved.
Falling through on 2nd floor of red factory issue resolved.
Yellow house in Postojna sunk in ground issue resolved.
Ability to walk through walls in Martin Church issue resolved.
Flying tires in Grushnoe port removed.
Shading issues with large Sabina and Martin church resolved.
Flying container in Molotovsk port issue resolved.
Sunken car and fences around houses opened in Martin.
More holes made in Byelov church fence.
More holes made in Byelov fire station fence.
Floating school in Martin issue resolved.
Shed in Kameni lowered a little bit.
Misplaced road reflectors near trees around Helfenburk castle removed.
Traffic sign lodged in fence in Ekaterinburg fixed.
Duplicate trees in Kameni removed.
Tents in Dalnogorsk sunk in ground issue resolved.
Missing pillars on Vladimir bridge issue resolved.
Zombies walking in trough floor of big shop in Sabina, Sevastopol, Sector B etc… issue resolved.
Zombies walking through floor of big ‘Zakupak’ shopping centre in Sabina, Krasnoznamen’sk, Branibor issue resolved.
Ability to walk through side of ‘Zakupak’ shopping centre in Krasnoznamen’sk issue resolved.
Missing texture issue on top of Novistrana bridge towers issue resolved.
Shadow issue with tower in Vladimir resolved.
Falling through floor behind curtains in Sabina parliament issue resolved.
Flying bush near Bijsk issue resolved.
Misplaced chair behind Vladimir pub issue resolved.
Zombies walking through the floor of many buildings issue resolved.
3rd person camera passing through ceiling on second floor of Vladimir tower issue resolved.
Male Police officer stronghold skin stretching fingers issues in far LODs issue resolved.
Extra holes made in Shtangrad Church fence.
Flying furniture in police stations issue resolved.
Ability to roll in to walls of Southern Branibor and Vladimir hospital issue resolved.
More holes in fences made in Komarovo.
Water tunnels under Sabina lab misalignment issues resolved.
More holes in East Sabina fences.
Sunken house near Sevastopol resolved.
Ability to glitch in to walls of Sevastopol hospital issue resolved.
Bots shooting trough Sector B walls issue resolved.
Sector B towers roadway problem/breaking legs/cannot enter etc... resolved.
Female bandit skin strange texture on blue skirt issue resolved.


Sea and waves sound volume lowered by 70% (will be monitored and adjusted further in future patches).

Zombies and loot appearing INSTANTLY when entering a tow/city.
Server performance improved.
Loot of Sabina lab doctors refreshed.
Number of wrecks on highway between Bilgrad Na Moru, Krasnoznamen’sk, Mitrovice and Branibor reduced.
Unicopter inventory increased to 100 items, 10 weapons and 3 backpacks.
Sound added when consuming pain killers.
Sound added when using morphine.
Sound added when using Epinephrine.
Sound added when using blood bag.
US/UN base on Novistrana expanded, new tents with loot added.
Praga copter speed increased to 160km/h.
Zombies can now enter fortress ground floor.
Uni-Copter speed increased to 160 knots.
Ability to climb on to roof of square blocks of flats in Sabina, Branibor etc...
Green houses in Kameni replaced with red enterable houses.
Fire geometry re-made in ‘Zakupak’ nearSabina train station.
Walking surface sounds added to various buildings, wood, tiles etc...
Zombies can now walk through yellow houses in Byelov.

Backpack inventory size increases:

Czech Backpack size increased to24 slots, 6 weapons slots.
ALICE Pack size increased to 24 slots, 6 weapons slots.
Elephant Bag (Blue) size increased to 20 slots, 4 weapons slots.
Elephant Bag (Black) size increased to 20 slots, 4 weapons slots.
Bear Bag size increased to 20 slots, 4 weapons slots.
Girls Bag (Dora) size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapons slots.
School Bag (Owl) size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapons slots.
Assault Pack (ACU) size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapons slots.
Patrol Pack (coyote) size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapons slots.
Bad boy bag size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapons slots.
Avtomat Kalahnikov family damage increased by 10% to make it equal to M16, M4 etc… This includes the following weapons:

AK 74
AK 74 GL
AK 74 GL Kobra
AKS 74
AKS 74 Kobra
AKS 74 U
AKS 74 UN Kobra
AK 107 Kobra
AK 107 GL Kobra

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RE: Origins update

in Public News / Allgemeines 24.02.2014 17:27
von Gelöschtes Mitglied

Sobald der ServerAdmin kann wird das Update aufgespielt.
Wenn wieder eingeloggt werden kann geben wir es hier im Forum bekannt.


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RE: Origins update

in Public News / Allgemeines 26.02.2014 11:37
von cahoo • 68 Beiträge | 119 Punkte

Kann wieder eingeloggt werden?:)

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