
Bf4 Update Today!!

in Public News / Allgemeines 30.01.2014 10:58
von Fumi • 184 Beiträge | 249 Punkte

This is the Thing they say they switched or repaired. We will see.

Anbei das Changelog von Dice zum Update:

- Official servers where the experience is set, map rotation's default size for the game mode is locked and can't be tweaked by vars.maxPlayers command.
- Enable packet loss logging in the dedicated server runtime logs
- "Netcode" fix to reduce network traffic
- Vars.vehicleSpawnDelay command will be executed at the end of the round or if the round is restarted.
- Adding validateVars to vars.unlockMode to return a nice "ReadOnlyOnRanked" message if the server is "official / ranked".
- Improved error handling on reporting statistical data.
- Fixed an issue where "skill" was calculated for commanders when quitting.
- Fix for issue of players becoming invisible after being killed on a ladder and revived

I´ve tryd allready the game and i could inform You all that it is a good Impression about the conection to Server. What i only got is that the rpg having Problems by ironside.

This is 10 % luck 20 % skill 15 % konzentrated power of will 5 % plesure 50 % pain and 100% to remember the name.
zuletzt bearbeitet 30.01.2014 15:19 | nach oben

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