Hello all,
at the Chernarus map is now following new.
There are custom bases on the map some are secret and some are not so secret.
We will try to build stuff on our own in next time. So stay tuned.
At the Moment there are new bases and the Server is still running good. Hope you enjoy the diamont tradeing too, getting more now.
Atm You will recive an error message can not Play this Mission. Just ignore it and go further on.
update: today we have added some random npc for u on the map. With different classes
AI survivors (shoot Zeds and player bandits)
AI bandits (shoot Zeds and player bandits/player survivors)
AI soldiers (shoot Zeds, AI bandits and player bandits)
Update: With youre costum loadout/startgear.
Update: After death You are able to parachut in. The parachut is very handsome by controling him.
Update 09.05.14: NPC´s canl steal amo from your car. And they can steal your car aswell.