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  • MOD DAYZ OVERPOCHDatum12.07.2014 11:02
    Thema von Fumi im Forum *RIP* DayZ all in 1 |...

    Hallo Leute,

    wie Ihr alle mitbekommen habt gab es in Vergangenheit angehäuft Schwierigkeiten im Bereich Mod-DayZ . Nach der Umstellung auf Epoch wurde auch uns klar das es ohne Erweiterungen snapbuild, safezone etc. schwierig wird einen Server zu promoten. Da es ja bereits Clans gibt die im scripten geübter sind und dieses wissen auch nicht in Foren teilen.
    Darauf hat nun GTX Gaming unser hoster reagiert und einen scripter Namens Harkness eingestellt. Das Ergebnis dessen ist nun das sie uns ein Paket anbieten das sich OVERPOCH nennt. Es ist noch in der mache und wird meiner Interpretation nach in den nächsten Wochen weiter entwickelt und bearbeitet. Die Änderungen, was ich nur aus dem Angebot entnehme, sind ein fertiges Paket wie Origins. Bedeutet das bei updates keine Schwierigkeiten mehr aufkommen. wie wir sie nun hatten das die von uns eingebauten Zusätze nicht immer kompatibel sind.

    Jeder der es sich mal anschauen will bitte den Post von Sardin mal durchlesen.
    What you need for play mod Overpoch

    Der Server ist noch bis zum 17 diesen Monats für uns verfügbar. Also bleiben noch ein paar tage um es sich an zu schauen. Viel Spaß dabei und meldet mal zurück wie es ist Danke.

  • DS_AaronDatum08.07.2014 21:16
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Aaron. :-) Hoffentlich wirst Du von der deutschen Mannschaft auch beschenkt,

  • DayZ SA First Kills :-)Datum08.07.2014 11:37
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Gamevids. Spielvideos.


    ich hatte mal wieder FRAPS an. Beim rendern habe ich wohl was nicht richtig eingestellt jedoch schaubar. Viel Spaß dabei.


  • CHANGELOG: Stable - 0.46.124490 Datum02.07.2014 19:34
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    CHANGELOG: Stable - 0.46.124490

    Known Issues:
    Crash caused by Fireplace kit in players Inventory
    Character cloning
    Player can look through walls
    Zombies are spawning on spot of their death
    Player is stuck in building after reconnect
    Player cannot respawn properly when he has drowned
    Shadow related client FPS drops
    When restrained in unconscious player stays in restrained state till he reconnects

    Actions: You can sort out good ammunition from a ruined stack
    Animations: New reload animations for Longhorn and a second reload for the Crossbow.
    Animations: New reload for B95 double rifle.
    Animations: MP5K reload Animations
    Animations: Added aimed pose for sitting with rifle.
    Animations: Drinking from pond and well.
    Loot: Added MP5 with magazines
    Loot: Added military Pilotka side cap
    Map: Karmanovka has returned
    Map: Novodmitrovsk has been added
    Map: Industrial area of Novodmitrovsk has been added.
    Map: Tenement area near Novodmitrovsk has been added.
    Map: Dobroe village is added.
    Map: New administrative buildings has been added in Novo.
    Item: Flashbang grenade
    Item: Hand grenade
    Item: Added green and black color variants of the ZSh3 helmet. Can be crafted.
    Sound: Play sound when using the bow.
    Server: Security Improvement Hotfix

    Actions: Painting 75 akm drum magazine
    Actions: Crafting fur backpack
    Actions: AKM buttstock painting
    Actions: Breaking apart backpacks, down into parts
    Actions: Leather backpack crafting
    Actions: Raised chance to ignite fire in wind
    Actions: Fixed crash with meat duplication in fireplace/inventory
    Actions: Can't eat meat directly from the fireplace
    Animations: Fixed hand movement at the end of SKS reloading.
    Animations: Hand clipping in unarmed run.
    Animations: Crouch walks and runs replaced with new animations.
    Animations: Crouch idle pose adjusted to better show items in player's hand.
    Animations: Sprint with gun replaced with new animation.
    Animations: Jump and vualt animations updated
    Animations: Hand poses added for granades, pelts, alcohol tincture, fishing rod, magazines, woods.
    Animations: Zombie attack animations polished.
    Animations: Gestures poses fixed.
    Animations: Two handed arming animations fixed.
    Animations: Fixed an issue where surrender kept getting cancelled when used with one handed melee weapons
    Animations: Fixed an issue where vomiting was not working properly with 2 handed melee weapons
    Animations: Fixed an issue where drinking animation was not playing when the player was in prone
    Animations: Throwing items reconfigured, staying wound up should not prevent the player from getting knocked down or cuffed
    Animations: Leaning tweaked in transitional states, should now allow for smoother transitions while leaning
    Animations: Fixed an issue where the character would not roll left/right with binocs in raised prone state
    Gear: Alpha sorting in alcohol tincture model
    Item: Hacksaw hand placement
    Sound: Arrow loading
    Sound: Arrow ejecting
    Sound: Fishing bait check

    Known Issues:
    Crash caused by Fireplace kit in players Inventory
    Character cloning
    Player can look through walls
    Zombies are spawning on spot of their death
    Player is stuck in building after reconnect
    Player cannot respawn properly when he has drowned
    Shadow related client FPS drops
    When restrained in unconscious player stays in restrained state till he reconnects

    Actions: You can sort out good ammunition from a ruined stack
    Animations: New reload animations for Longhorn and a second reload for the Crossbow.
    Animations: New reload for B95 double rifle.
    Animations: MP5K reload Animations
    Animations: Added aimed pose for sitting with rifle.
    Animations: Drinking from pond and well.
    Loot: Added MP5 with magazines
    Loot: Added military Pilotka side cap
    Map: Karmanovka has returned
    Map: Novodmitrovsk has been added
    Map: Industrial area of Novodmitrovsk has been added.
    Map: Tenement area near Novodmitrovsk has been added.
    Map: Dobroe village is added.
    Map: New administrative buildings has been added in Novo.
    Item: Flashbang grenade
    Item: Hand grenade
    Item: Added green and black color variants of the ZSh3 helmet. Can be crafted.
    Sound: Play sound when using the bow.
    Server: Security Improvement Hotfix

    Actions: Painting 75 akm drum magazine
    Actions: Crafting fur backpack
    Actions: AKM buttstock painting
    Actions: Breaking apart backpacks, down into parts
    Actions: Leather backpack crafting
    Actions: Raised chance to ignite fire in wind
    Actions: Fixed crash with meat duplication in fireplace/inventory
    Actions: Can't eat meat directly from the fireplace
    Animations: Fixed hand movement at the end of SKS reloading.
    Animations: Hand clipping in unarmed run.
    Animations: Crouch walks and runs replaced with new animations.
    Animations: Crouch idle pose adjusted to better show items in player's hand.
    Animations: Sprint with gun replaced with new animation.
    Animations: Jump and vualt animations updated
    Animations: Hand poses added for granades, pelts, alcohol tincture, fishing rod, magazines, woods.
    Animations: Zombie attack animations polished.
    Animations: Gestures poses fixed.
    Animations: Two handed arming animations fixed.
    Animations: Fixed an issue where surrender kept getting cancelled when used with one handed melee weapons
    Animations: Fixed an issue where vomiting was not working properly with 2 handed melee weapons
    Animations: Fixed an issue where drinking animation was not playing when the player was in prone
    Animations: Throwing items reconfigured, staying wound up should not prevent the player from getting knocked down or cuffed
    Animations: Leaning tweaked in transitional states, should now allow for smoother transitions while leaning
    Animations: Fixed an issue where the character would not roll left/right with binocs in raised prone state
    Gear: Alpha sorting in alcohol tincture model
    Item: Hacksaw hand placement
    Sound: Arrow loading
    Sound: Arrow ejecting
    Sound: Fishing bait check

  • DayZ SADatum21.06.2014 19:35
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    Ich konnte eben mal meine Blutgruppe testen. Habe 0+.
    Welche habt Ihr?

  • Chernarus Server update/ Costum BASES Datum02.05.2014 23:41
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    Hello all,

    at the Chernarus map is now following new.

    There are custom bases on the map some are secret and some are not so secret.
    We will try to build stuff on our own in next time. So stay tuned.
    At the Moment there are new bases and the Server is still running good. Hope you enjoy the diamont tradeing too, getting more now.

    Atm You will recive an error message can not Play this Mission. Just ignore it and go further on.

    update: today we have added some random npc for u on the map. With different classes

    AI survivors (shoot Zeds and player bandits)

    AI bandits (shoot Zeds and player bandits/player survivors)

    AI soldiers (shoot Zeds, AI bandits and player bandits)

    GOOD LUCK !!!

    Update: With youre costum loadout/startgear.

    Update: After death You are able to parachut in. The parachut is very handsome by controling him.

    Update 09.05.14: NPC´s canl steal amo from your car. And they can steal your car aswell.

  • NAMALSK SERVERDatum01.05.2014 22:08
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...


    wer auf den Namalsk joinen will. Sollte 0.741 runterladen und in den Startparametern -mod=@DayZ_Namalsk eintragen.

    Viel Spass!!!

  • Happy Birthday SenorMuertDatum26.04.2014 09:51
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    Happy Birthday SenorMuerte lass Dich schön Feiern.

  • Maps und ÄnderungenDatum22.04.2014 00:06
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...


    wir hatten ja nun mal die Sauerland Map übers Wochenende drauf. Hier können wir ja mal alle unsere Meinung abgeben zu der Map.

    Wir haben gestern so zwischendurch auch noch Panthera angeschaut jedoch wurden wir etwas behindert dabei. Mal schauen ob es noch was wird.

    Da wir nur am Wochenende testen wollten haben wir den Server wieder zurück auf Chernarus gestellt.
    Neu ist auf Chernarus nun das die Tarder Stary, Bash, Khelm mit einer Safezone ausgestattet sind.

    Die Sucher

  • DayZ Epoch ´Tastenkürzel.Datum10.04.2014 15:53
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    Hi Alle Epoch´ler,

    hier mal einige eventuell hilfreiche Tastenkürzel / Belegungen die wahrscheinlich nicht in den Optionen aufgelistet sind. "Vermutet"

    Einfg. zeigt die Humanity an. ( Debug Monitor) Bandit -5000 Hero +5000
    8 und 2 hilft beim Bauen die Elemente in kleineren Schritten in der Hohe zu verstellen.

    Vorsicht wer zufällig im Sidechatt (Blauer Chatt) spricht, wird in die Serverlobby befördert. Nie wieder Brintney Spears Gesang!!!

    Jeder der noch eine Kombination oder was Hilfreiches findet kann es hier natürlich verraten.

  • DEAD SPACE!!! FOR FREEDatum04.04.2014 10:30
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...


    gerade habe ich meinen Oringins account gestartet und habe von denen DEAD Space geschenkt bekommen. ALSO ALLE DIE ES FÜR LAU HABEN WOLLEN :EINLOGGEN UND DOWNLOADEN SOLANGE ES MÖGLICH IST.


    Kenne das Spiel zwar nicht aber für lau auf jeden :-9

  • Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    Hatte ich heute im Postfach.

    Greetings Dear Valuable GTX Customers,

    We have not been made aware that Origins Devs where planning to cut GTX servers off to promote their newly established hosting company , Due to this misconduct , we are pleased to Offer all our Origins customers , Dayz All-in-One Servers which includes all mods Taviana/Epoch/Panthera/Overwatch mod too instead of an Origins server.
    Dayz All In One Features:
    Full Database access
    Full FTP access
    Free Admin tools built in, spawn any vehicle, any weapon, teleport and more!

    Open a ticket if you want to be changed over, and we will add 2 weeks free of charge for the inconvenience.

    We are trying to investigate with Alex and Martin the champions behind developing Origins claims of security issues and reasons behind cutting off GTX servers without notice and will see what their requirements are? However we will make this information public as soon as it is available. We suspect this is all bout LFS their new hosting company and all about the dev team making as much money as possible from hosting their own servers.

    War irgendwie klar damit wissen wir woher unsere Probleme kommen. Vielen lieben dank Dev`s Husos.

  • Happy birthday Mr. FAGGELIDatum23.02.2014 20:38
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    Happy Birthday M8 hope You got a nice day!!!!

  • Facebook DayZDatum20.02.2014 21:39
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    Hallo Leute,

    habe eine Mail erhalten von unserem Hoster. Darin war ein link der wohl in Zukunft über alle Neuerungen im oringins informiert.

    Mal schauen.

  • Bf4 Update Today!! Datum30.01.2014 10:58
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    This is the Thing they say they switched or repaired. We will see.

    Anbei das Changelog von Dice zum Update:

    - Official servers where the experience is set, map rotation's default size for the game mode is locked and can't be tweaked by vars.maxPlayers command.
    - Enable packet loss logging in the dedicated server runtime logs
    - "Netcode" fix to reduce network traffic
    - Vars.vehicleSpawnDelay command will be executed at the end of the round or if the round is restarted.
    - Adding validateVars to vars.unlockMode to return a nice "ReadOnlyOnRanked" message if the server is "official / ranked".
    - Improved error handling on reporting statistical data.
    - Fixed an issue where "skill" was calculated for commanders when quitting.
    - Fix for issue of players becoming invisible after being killed on a ladder and revived

    I´ve tryd allready the game and i could inform You all that it is a good Impression about the conection to Server. What i only got is that the rpg having Problems by ironside.

  • Whitelist origins DayZ???Datum21.01.2014 14:00
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    Hallo all Friends and Sucher,

    ich wollte mal anregen ob wir nicht mal für eine Zeit den Server umstellen auf White List. Ich weiß das es für Population eher nachteilig ist jedoch denke ich das der Aufwand die Regeln
    um zu setzten zu groß ist auf Dauer. Der Server Name könnte direkt auf unsere Homepage hier verweisen und es den Leuten einfach machen, eben sich zu melden und vorab die Regeln zu bestätigen. Was haltet Ihr davon??

  • Mo.Wahlberg Welcome new memberDatum10.01.2014 11:33
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Welcome new members!!...

    Hallo Mo.Wahlberg,

    Danke für Deine Entscheidung und sehr schön das wir Dich dabei haben.

    Wir begrüßen Dich bei den Suchern.


  • Frank TT Willkommen bei den SuchernDatum10.01.2014 10:11
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Welcome new members!!...

    Hallo Alle,

    wir begrüßen unser neues Mitglied Frank TT. HOOORRRRAAAA

    Say hello to our new member Frank TT.

  • DayZ Fumi Funny Stories :-)Datum30.12.2013 12:12
    Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    This morning i started to playing DayZ. I thougt good idea to go to Sabina and look arround what is new. After i landed ma chooper safly between buildings a i started looting arround. Position was the two industriel buildings. After a few minutes i heard a motobike coming in. I get into a Position and decided to hunt the Driver down. Unfortunaly the npc patrol was on the same as they fly by. The Guy his Name is "Tank" tryed to drive away but he did not make it. What he maked is he logged of. Lol Combatlog by NPC. NOOB!!! The Npc were away and he turned back into game, i seen him running back to his bike and he gets chaced by a "Z". The "Z" kicks him he went down and Combatlogged again. LOL twice a NOOB. I thought ok i gone give it to him and just wait it out. He turned back and Headshoot. :-) I gave him two warnings for combat logging. After this somebody Joint Ts and telled me a Story about a new DayZ mod for Arma three and how you could dupp there stuff. Man what is going on here. Just NOOBS arround.???

  • Thema von Fumi im Forum Public News / Allgemei...

    Hallo Alle,

    heute ist es genau ein Jahr her das der Grundstein für "Die Sucher" in Form eines teamspeaks gelegt wurde. Angefangen haben wir mit DayZ auf Chernarus. Weiter ging es dann mit einer Reise durch die breite Welt der einzelnen Maps. Wo wir auch jede Menge gute Leute kennen lernten.

    Wir freuen uns ganz besonders darüber das Ihr alle noch da seit und mit uns durch das Pixeluniversum jagt. Vielen Dank.

    Jetzt haben wir laufen gelernt

    Hello all,

    today one yeear ago we build the foundation for "the Seekers" in the form of a teamspeak. We started up with DayZ and had a Long journey thru the hole maps. Where we`ve meet awesome poeple.

    We are very proud to see that you are still with us and fight in the pixeluniverse. Thank You Folks.

    Now we´ve learnt running

    Die Sucher

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